At World Living Water Systems Ltd. we value our distributors very much. We also would like to provide them with as many tools as possible to help them run their distributorship with ease. As a result we have designed and published this page, on which you can find the latest (i.e. most up-to-date) terms and conditions, policy changes, marketing materials and much much more. The idea of placing the marketing materials on here, is to reduce on our carbon footprint. As an organization which strives on daily basis to promote green-living, we do ask our distributors to not print unnecessary documents. At the same time we still can provide you with marketing material at the cost to us. We hope that you find this page of value.
- Per request of some of our clients and distributors, we have made the old version of the website available at
- Marketing materials can be ordered from us or you can have your own printhouse print your marketing material. Just ask us to email you or your printer the files.
- Fourfold Brochures 100 for $160.00
- Introduction booklet 100 for $689.00
- Testimonials booklet 100 for $1,056.00
- Catalog 100 for $1,056.00