Whole House

The Whole House Vortex Water Revitalizers were designed to be permanently or semi-permanently installed on main water line. This allows our customers to receive Revitalized Water throughout their entire home while benefiting the environment. There are two designs available for whole house installations, the Standard Vortex Water Revitalizer and River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer.

The Standard Vortex Water Revitalizer was the original design produced by World Living Water Systems Ltd. This incredible device has the power to transform water in such a way that the benefits will positively affect all aspects of one's lifestyle. The internal double spiral flow dynamic form transforms your ordinary tap water into healthy, living water, full of vitality. 

The River of Life…

The River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer is the newest addition to the Vortex Water Revitalizer product line. In addition to the internal double spiral flow form; the River of Life has a wavy shape in the pipe itself. The water passes through the River of Life’s double spiral flow form, while simultaneously moving through the long and short turns of the pipe. This added river dynamic simulates the natural movement of water in an even more perfect way than the Standard Vortex Water Revitalizers. The already incredible benefits of the double spiral flow form are further enhanced with the River of Life’s design. Your water will be treated with the optimal efficiency with the River of Life, which is highly recommended for customers with severe water concerns.

Whether one chooses to use the Standard Vortex Water Revitalizer or the River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer, one will experience a significant change in all water included chores and activities throughout home. Cooking, cleaning, drinking, bathing, and gardening with the Vortex Water Revitalizer will deliver incredible benefits, and will also contribute to a healthier, cleaner environment.
