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The Vortex Funnel in it's two designs.

The Vortex Funnel Standard

Nicknamed: The Holy Grail of Vortex Action

The Vortex Funnel nick named the holy Grail of Vortex action

Price is US$498

The Fluvius

Which is Latin for River

This is the most unique vortex device for portable use out there

Price is US$998

Here is a cut out view of how the Funnel's attached Vortex Water Revitalizer looks like inside.

Internal view of the holy grail of Vortex Action from the Vortex Funnel Standard

The Vortex Funnel is excellent in treating water anywhere you go..

The Vortex Funnel can be used like any other funnel of  course.

I made it to enable people to vortex treat their bottled water, pouring it from the bottle into another bottle, pitcher or glass.

It can also be used in restaurants to simply pour the table water into your glass before drinking it.

If you are in a hotel, you can either use it on their bottled water, or collect water from the tap and then pour it through the Vortex Funnel.

When traveling, it can be used to fill up your bottles for day.

If properly and thoroughly rinsed afterwards, it can also be used to vortex treat your wine, juice and any other liquid you drink.