Vortex Models For Filters
The Vortex Water Revitalizers for Filters will work in conjunction with an existing under or over the counter filter, distiller, reverse osmosis system or ionizer. The taste, feel and health of your water will improve significantly! One of the benefits you are sure to experience right away will be the instant absorption when you drink the revitalized water, whereas before the filtered water may be experienced as flat, difficult to swallow, 'sitting' in the stomach and maybe even sloshing around.
Hi Mikael,
When I would drink water from the filter, my stomach would feel heavy. I could feel the water rolling around in my stomach.
Since adding the vortex to the filter, I notice a big difference! The water doesn't feel heavy in my stomach and I drink 3 liters of water a day."
River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer for Filters 3/8"

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Designed to connect to an under or over the counter filter, reverse osmosis system, distiller or other water treatment system, the River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer for Filters will dramatically improve the taste, feel, quality and health of treated water. Installation should always be done after the filter, as the last mode of water treatment. You can download installation instructions here.
River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer for Filters 1/4"

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Designed to connect to an under or over the counter filter, reverse osmosis system, distiller or other water treatment system, the River of Life Vortex Water Revitalizer for Filters will dramatically improve the taste, feel, quality and health of treated water. Installation should always be done after the filter, as the last mode of water treatment. This model should only be used to connect with a 1/4", you should choose the 1/4"-1/4" Snap-on Fittings for your order.
Standard Filter Vortex Water Revitalizer

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Designed to connect to an under or over the counter filter, reverse osmosis system, or other water treatment system, the Standard Filter Vortex Water Revitalizer will dramatically improve the taste, feel, quality and health of treated water. Installation should always be done after the filter, as the last mode of water treatment. Snap-on Fittings are provided for installation on either a 1/4" or 3/8" line or outlet. You can download installation instructions here.