Lambton Park Hotel

Will Creedon
Newcastle, NSW, Australia

”Our initial objective of installing the Vortex Water Revitalizer was to see if it would help to cut down the scale build-up inside our commercial drinking glass washing machines. As every publican’s staff would know it’s one of the worst jobs, it’s tedious and not too pleasant. The Standard Vortex Water Revitalizer 3/4" was installed on Wednesday February 3rd 2010, within the first three weeks we started to notice the difference. The glass washing machine had less build-up of scale and deposits making it easier and quicker to clean as well we experienced several other benefits such as; sparkling clean glasses without that white residue and the same with our cutlery, our ice making machine turned out clearer and harder ice, the drinking water was clearer and tastes better, and the water used for the soft drink mixer made a more tasty product. 

I live above the pub so when I take a shower I really notice the difference, last week I spent a few days in Sydney and when I got back I couldn’t believe the difference in the quality of the pub’s water vs. Sydney water. I would highly recommend the vortex as it will save money on the maintenance side of the business as well we are providing a better quality of service to our patrons wherever water is concerned.“


The Lambton Park Hotel in New South Wales, Australia.

The Lambton Park Hotel in New South Wales, Australia.

Standard Vortex Water Revitalizer

This is the Standard Vortex Water Revitalizer 3/4" which was installed in the Lambton Park Hotel. It was installed using compression fittings.